Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday - 10.25.09

Dear Family and Friends,

I just can’t believe how quickly the weekends come! This week was our first “normal” week and weekend. We had a Monday-Friday work week and then received yesterday (and today) off. This week we have the same schedule, just with a new teacher who flies in on Tuesday. It was a little difficult to adjust to a much different teaching style this past week, but it was a good break. Doctor Don Williams was our teacher and I really enjoyed and appreciated his willingness to spend time out of class to discuss ideas with us. One night, after dinner, I talked with him while he played pool with another guy, for 45 minutes. I was also lucky to be able to sit with him at many of our meals. He is currently teaching English at Toccoa Falls College, in Georgia. His lectures discussed a wide variety of subjects, but my favorite was on Philology. Philology is defined as, “the love of words.” Most importantly, we are to have a love for the Word. He said, "The mind functions spiritually only when it is saved by God's grace, sanctified by His spirit, informed by His word, submissive to His wisdom and motivated by His love."

In that same lecture, Dr. Williams spent a lot of time pointing out the importance of studying. He said, “No one can be a serious and obedient disciple of Jesus Christ without giving a significant place to study in one's life.” I really realized this past week how being a Christian has influence in every aspect of my life. Having a Biblical worldview requires studying, so that I can know and understand God’s word and the world He’s created for us to live in. The reasons why each follower of Jesus Christ should be a serious student are because, the content of scripture commands it, the nature of scripture necessitates it, and the commission of scripture requires it. (Matthew 22, 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Corinthians 5:20)

Doctor Williams and I were able to discuss many topics together, including, spiritual gifts, prayer, the “fear of the Lord,” and many of his books. (just to name a few J) We finished off the week with a time of poetry reading and a Q&A session. It was a great week of learning! Oh, and I finished reading both of his books before the weekend! I highly recommend “Inklings of Reality” & “Mere Humanity.”

Yesterday, we spend the day at Mesa Verde National Park and I really enjoyed visiting again, even though I was there just 2 months ago with my family. This time, I did the tour with 23 of my fellow students and it was fantastic! We had a great tour guide and it was neat to be able to get closer to the actual cliff dwellings, as opposed to just viewing them from the observation deck. Here is a picture of my friend Damiya and I, with the cliff dwellings in the background.

I have another busy week ahead of me, but I’m very excited to have a new teacher! I will also be writing the Summit blog sometime this week. You can find that at the Summit Semester website:

Again, thank you for all your prayers! I’m doing great and managing to stay well despite all the sickness that’s currently going around. Continue to pray that I would remain healthy!

With Love & Gratitude, Mae

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